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this issue is very big, i am not a professional negotiator nor experienced marketer or seller. i just want to share with you some points that i learned from my experience. the main point is to learn how to negotiate before the negotiation and not after.
1. be prepared - learn deeply the issue
2. there is no other way to get good results but to handle negotiation you can not run away from it or hide so learn how to deal with it.
3. make a scenario of the process of negotiation, like simulation, the best if you can do it with partners that play the other side.
4. set your limits before the negotiation.
5. what is not written in agreement and signed does almost not count at all.
no contact no deal. after draft take it and come later to sign if you feel good with it.
6. fast is bad fast decisions bad decisions we saying the Harry is from the devil. don't be afraid to leave the negotiation table to next day after you sleep on it. if it is important there will be another round. always you can make the draft agreement paper and come more ready for the next step.
7. lot of patience the one who is running is loosing. do not say to your self i must finish it you do not.
8. do not do anything when you are tired
9. take the offer you have to another 2 competitors and see what they offer you. do not show them what you have just try to negotiate with them.
10. don't mix emotions to the negotiation you will lose.
11. don't be ashamed to bring papers and go step by step to your list of steps. without list you may forget some points.
12. as long as the money given after major events done you are better. try to make the payment only after most of the job was done or after important milestones achieved. don't pay in advance too much. try to get an option to cancel everything for 3 days without paying penalty. the first payment must be only after the 3 day cancellation option.
13. every give up from you get the other side to give up something. don't give up free even if it is not worth for you it might be worth for the other side.
14. if you feel that you are not capable to handle it give it to someone and pay it is much better. particularly on major and serious situations. don't forget that you have to negotiate with the negotiator also, particularly if it is a lawyer. i am saying that when you born you start to need a lawyer. in today life you can not live without a good lawyer.
15. it is very important to be insured on some events. cheer up for every bad situation there could be worst.

 Alladin's Tips
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